BNA opens enquiry into money seized in operation "Caranguejo

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 26 May De 2021    18h48  
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - The National Bank of Angola (BNA) today launched an investigation into the amounts seized during operation "Caranguejo", in Angolan currency, to find out under what circumstances the money was made available to third parties.

The investigation also aims to find out from the commercial bank that provided the money to third parties what compliance procedures (set of legal and regulatory rules or policies of a particular institution) were applied to ensure its legitimacy.

In a press release from the Department of Communication and Museum to which ANGOP had access, the BNA confirms that the amounts were withdrawn in its "Casa Forte" by a commercial bank, fully obeying the rules and protocols in force, following procedures at the level of the National Bank of Angola.

The document also said that the central bank provided the criminal investigation bodies with the information requested and, under the terms of the law and applicable regulations.

The National Bank of Angola also reiterates that, under the terms of the Constitution, it has the exclusive rights to issue currency with legal tender in the country, and that all legitimate Kwanza banknotes and coins in circulation in the economy have the National Bank of Angola as their origin.

