BNA strives for robust financial system

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 15 December De 2020    17h29  
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - The National Bank of Angola (BNA) has outlined four pillars to make the financial system more solid, robust and diversified, in harmony with international best practices, its Governor, José de Lima Massano, said Tuesday in Luanda.

The aim is to strengthen the laws that regulate the activity of financial institutions, supervision and monitoring, improving the infrastructure and the Payment System of Angola (SPA) as well as to increase financial inclusion.

According to the BNA governor, these goals aim to make the financial system more inclusive and comprehensive to most of the population and economic activities.

Speaking about "The development paths of the Angolan Financial System", in a webinar promoted by Media Rumo, José Massano said that Angola hopes that other more and less developed economies will also seek to bet on an inclusive financial system.

"If our financial system does not want to take or bring risks to and from other economies, it must opt for good practices capable of better providing and protecting the financial and economic systems, the capacity of income generation, promotion and growth of each Nation," Massano said.
