Malembo power station boosted with two more turbines

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 August De 2022    18h49  
"Agostinho Neto" avenue in Cabinda city
"Agostinho Neto" avenue in Cabinda city
Pedro João

Cabinda - Malembo Thermal Power Plant, the main source of power production for Cabinda City and Lândana town, was boosted Friday with two new turbines.

The two new turbines, increases the number of turbines on the plant to six, with a capacity of 25 MW each, with dual systems (gas and diesel). 


Among the current turbines, two have a capacity of 25 MW each and the two others of 35 MW. 


Speaking to the press, the provincial secretary for energy and water, Rafael Paca, said that power would increase from 170 MW to 225 MW for Cabinda City and the towns of Lândana  and part of the village of Buco-Zau.


On his turn, the deputy governor for the technical area, Guilherme Pereira, said that, with the arrival of the two new turbines, the supply of power to meet demand from the population was guaranteed. 


Besides the Malembo power plant, Cabinda also has the Chibodo power plant, with 15 megawatts, and Santa Catarina with 10 megawatts. 
