German entrepreneurs want to install solar panels in Belize 

  • Luanda     Thursday, 05 May De 2022    13h46  
Estrada que liga a cidade de Cabinda à vila de Lândana, no município de Cacongo
Estrada que liga a cidade de Cabinda à vila de Lândana, no município de Cacongo
Pedro João

Cabinda - German entrepreneur have shown, in the municipality of Belize, northern Cabinda Province their willingness to invest in the implementation of solar panels for the distribution and increase of energy power in that county, about 200 kms north of Cabinda.

The German business mission began a three-day visit to Cabinda on Tuesday, and on Wednesday went to the municipalities of Buco-Zau and Belize to see the potential that the areas offer for specific investments. 

At the end of the visit, the head of the delegation, Klaus Schreiber, recognized that there were several reasons for investment in the two municipalities. 

In this perspective, he underlined that this action should begin as soon as the National Road N-110, which links Cabinda to Miconje due to its progressive state of degradation, is rehabilitated, despite the fact that the rehabilitation works are foreseen for this year. 

Speaking to the press at the end of his visit to Belize, Klaus Schreiber said that investments in this locality in the north of Cabinda would only be possible after the road had been rehabilitated to allow the transportation of machinery and equipment, as a basis for the sustainability of the municipality's development. 

"The investment in Belize is a reality. We are very pleased to see the 1,000 hectare plot in Miconje, a prepared project that motivated our coming to Cabinda," the German businessman pointed out. 
