Minister assesses power and water supply in Cabinda

  • Luanda     Friday, 26 May De 2023    17h56  
Ministro da Energia e Águas, João Baptista Borges
Ministro da Energia e Águas, João Baptista Borges
Clemente dos Santos - ANGOP

Cabinda – The Minister of Energy and Water João Baptista Borges is carrying out a work visit to Angolan province of Cabinda since Friday to evaluate and learn about the ongoing situation of production and distribution of energy and water in that region of that country.

On Friday, the minister visited 170-megawasts Thermal Power Plant in Malembo, Cabinda’s outskirt, which is the main source of electricity in the province.


In recent months Cabinda has been experiencing some power outage caused by overloading the existing electrical thermal plants.


In this regard, the central government is building a photovoltaic plant of 90 megawatts to increase the supply capacity and mitigate the power shortage in Cabinda.


Baptista Borges also visited the water supply company and the main water reservoirs, and discussed with local authorities the options to improve the production and distribution system.
