German businesspeople seek partnership in Cabinda  

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 04 May De 2022    10h52  
Sample of one of the Angolan coffee varieties
Sample of one of the Angolan coffee varieties

Cabinda - A business delegation from the Federal Republic of Germany has been in the province of Cabinda since Tuesday (May 3) for a three-day visit, with the aim of establishing investment partnerships in the economic and business sectors.

The delegation, which held a meeting with the Cabinda's deputy governor, Miguel de Oliveira and members of the local government, was informed about the socio-economic and political situation in the region, as well as its potential for the production of cocoa, coffee and renewable energy.

The civil construction and livestock are two sectors arousing the interest of the aforementioned business delegation, which includes the Angolan ambassador accredited in that European Country, and which today travels to the municipalities of Buco –Zau and Belize to evaluate investment projects.

In Belize, the business team delegation will visit the municipality of Miconje, specifically the plain of that district, where the future photovoltaic power plant will be set up, while in the municipality of Buco-Zau they will be presented by the local authorities with the potential in the field of production of coffee and cocoa.

For the host municipality of Cabinda, a visit to the General Hospital of Cabinda (HGC) and a trip to the south of the province, in the village of Yabi, where the agricultural sector has intensified livestock, pig, poultry and goat activities is scheduled.
