Prodesi has AKZ 305 million for credits to cooperatives

  • Luanda     Monday, 15 March De 2021    13h57  
Campo agrícola (Foto ilustração)
Campo agrícola (Foto ilustração)
Pedro João

Cabinda - At least 305 million Kwanzas is the amount of credit available, initially, for the Commerce and Distribution Operators (OCD), under the scope of the Economic Relief Measures and now in the Economic Development and Import Substitution Programme (Prodesi) in northern Cabinda province.

Eleven cooperatives of the 18 selected at the level of Cabinda province, based on the data of the legal cooperatives and through an external consultancy in the agricultural, industrial and wood areas, have already received the credits since January this year.

Speaking to ANGOP, the provincial head of the Secretary for Economic and Integrated Development, Alan Gleidson Varela Ramos, said that the objective is that the beneficiaries follow rigorously the purposes of the credit, which is closely linked to the strategy of the government, focused on the increase of production, export diversification and import substitution.

"The credits started to be made available in January this year and it was expected that there would not be, immediately, a great impact on the ground. But, we are pleased with the sense of commitment and engagement that the cooperatives are demonstrating on the ground,'' he said.
