South African group to invest USD 100 million in Cabinda

  • Luanda     Thursday, 27 May De 2021    13h13  
Governador de Cabinda, Marcos Nhunga, visita infraestruturas para criação de gado suíno e aves na zona sul da província
Governador de Cabinda, Marcos Nhunga, visita infraestruturas para criação de gado suíno e aves na zona sul da província

Cabinda - Troper, a South African business group, plans to invest about USD100 million in Cabinda in the near future in the agri-livestock and solar energy sectors.

The aim of the South African business delegation, which arrived in Cabinda Thursday, is to find openings and business opportunities with entrepreneurs from these two sectors and with the authorities of the provincial government, in order to create partnerships and investment opportunities in these two sectors.

In view of this, the head of Trooper's delegation, John Kayira, and the operations manager, Verónica Shale, met with the governor of Cabinda, Marcos Nhunga, where they put forward several ideas on business, partnership and investment opportunities in Cabinda.

John Kayira, who is part of the Angola-South Africa Business Forum, said that the trip to Cabinda was an opportunity to see in-loco the existing investments in these two sector and interact with local authorities and businesspeople about business and partnership opportunities in the agri-livestock and solar energy sectors.

