Municipality of Cacuaco projects valued at 30 billion kwanzas

  • Luanda     Thursday, 11 January De 2024    21h30  
Participantes ao Fórum Municipal de Auscultação realizado pela Administração de Cacuaco
Participantes ao Fórum Municipal de Auscultação realizado pela Administração de Cacuaco
Herlander Massaqui-ANGOP

Cacuaco – Thirty billion kwanzas (USD 1 = 829kz) will be used in the execution of several socio-economic projects, during the year 2024, in the municipality of Cacuaco, in Luanda, within the framework of the continuity of the Public Investment Program (PIP) started in 2023.

It was announced this Thursday, by the local deputy-administrator for the financial area, Délsio Ribeiro, in the presentation of the municipal budget for the current year, during the 1st Session of the Municipal Social Concert Council.

As a priority, the continuity of execution of certain actions in the areas of health, education, energy and water, basic sanitation, asphalting or earthmoving of access roads, among others, was reaffirmed, which weren't carried out last year due to lack of financial resources.

“For this year (2024), we have enough budget to execute these projects”, assured Délsio Ribeiro, for whom this budget is part of the continuity of the 2023 execution projection within the PIP's framework.

The municipal administrator, Auzílio de Oliveira Jacob, highlighted that in 2023 the recommendations of the previous Council were not fulfilled, considering the “unusual” period, as they didn't have access to resources to work.

Therefore, he clarified, all projects scheduled for this period of 2023 must be reset and continued in the current year (2024).

He reiterated that Cacuaco has a development plan with goals in fundamental sectors such as health, water, energy, education (increasing the number of classrooms and teachers), among others.

In addition to the presentation of the actions and budget for 2024 period, the forum, which brought together more than 100 participants, also debated issues of granting Land Rights to young people, toponymy, those to do with the Fund for Support to Agrarian Development, among others.

