Angola and Turkey Chamber of Commerce praises reduction in public debt

  • Luanda     Thursday, 11 January De 2024    19h46  
Presidente da Câmara de Comércio Angola/Turquia, Sérgio Conceição
Presidente da Câmara de Comércio Angola/Turquia, Sérgio Conceição

Zango - The Chairman of the Angola and Turkey Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sérgio Conceição, said Thursday in Luanda Province that the reduction in Angola's public debt, provided for in the State Budget, was one of the factors that could contribute to the country's macroeconomic stability and encourage the emergence of new investors.

The General State Budget (OGE) for the 2024 financial year, which has been underway since the 2nd of this month, provides, among other measures, for a reduction in the public debt ratio to 69.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

In this regard, Sérgio Conceição said that this mechanism will also be crucial in the sustainable growth of companies and creating an increasingly favourable business environment in the country, as well as boosting the start-up of commercial activities that had been at a standstill for some time.

Speaking to ANGOP, he also said that, with the reduction in public debt, interest rates on the market could be favourable and make it easier for companies to access credit, allowing reinvestment.

He informed that the amount to be paid to companies could facilitate the creation of other projects in sectors that the Angolan economy needs, emphasizing that the measure would help to reduce the financial pressure on the government, making resources available that could be directed towards policies to support companies.


