Cafu canal among progresses achieved in 2022

  • Luanda     Thursday, 22 December De 2022    17h47  
Water source for animals and people along Cafu canal
Water source for animals and people along Cafu canal
Miguel Faztudo - ANGOP

Ondjiva - The construction of the structuring project of Cafu canal and Dom Fernando Guimarães Kevanu satellite city are among the main actions that marked the development of the southern province of Cunene in 2022.

The progresses were highlighted by the residents when speaking to ANGOP on Thursday, having also stressed the implementation of the various projects of the
Integrated Plan of Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM).


The secretary of the Youth Council in Cunene, Joaquim Chivela, described the Cafu project as a large-scale infrastructure which brought many benefits in terms of access to water for the population and livestock, as well as boost the practice of agriculture in the region.

As for the inauguration of the first 500 homes in the Dom Fernando Guimarães Kevanu satellite city in Ondjiva, Chivela said this initiative has come to reduce  the housing shortage and brought to young people the opportunities to have their own homes.


The youth leader also underlined the start of work on the General Hospital of Cunene, adding that after the completion will address the issue

of many inhabitants who resort to Namibia in search of medical care.
