China plans to reduce import tariffs of Angolan products

  • Luanda     Friday, 28 October De 2022    09h46  
A view of Luanda city
A view of Luanda city
Tarcísio Vilela-ANGOP

Luanda – The Chinese ambassador to Angola, Gong Tao, announced Thursday in Luanda that his country plans to reduce its custom duties tariffs on 98% of products imported from Angola.

Speaking in a meeting with journalists, the Chinese ambassador stressed that amid adverse events, China continues to be a major player for stability and a driving force for global economic growth, by providing development opportunities to other countries around the world.


Gong Tao considers China 's model na inspiration for the nations interested in boosting their development, while preserving their independence.


He said that the objective is to give greater ease, support and allow more investment to Angola.


According to the diplomat, as an oil producer, Angola can contribute to ensure energetic security in the world, considering the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


Angola and China will celebrate 40 years of diplomatic relationships in January 2023.


Official data points that China is the major trade partner of Angola, remaining in first place of the largest export clients of Angolan goods, including oil.


Since 2007, Angola beaome China's biggest trade partner in the African continent with an estimated turnover of USD 24.8 billion only in 2010.


Meanwhile, in January and June 2022, China bought goods worth USD 9.9 billion, equivalent to 47.8% of total national exports to the rest of the world.

