Train crashes a truck in Luanda-Viana route

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 31 January De 2024    05h23  
Locomotiva do CFM
Locomotiva do CFM
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Luanda - A mixed transport train, passengers and goods, crashed on Tuesday, in Luanda, against a heavy vehicle, causing minor injuries to the driver and driver of the vehicle.

According to a press release from Caminhos de Ferro de Luanda (CFL), sent to ANGOP, the accident occurred at 3:00 am this morning, near the urban district of Estalagem in the municipality of Viana.

This occurrence caused cancellations and delays in the CFL schedule, particularly during the morning circulation of suburban passenger trains.

However, the accident with the locomotive coming from Luinha Station (Cuanza Norte), bound for Musseques Station, did not cause serious damage to the railway line.

Due to the fact, explains the note, after an examination by the CFL technical team, hours later the normal circulation of trains was reestablished, and investigations continue to determine the reasons for the accident.

"In terms of rolling stock, there was considerable damage to the locomotive, which has yet to be quantified", highlights the document. OPF/AC/CF/DOJ

