Cabinet council approves PLANAGRÃO action plan

  • Luanda     Monday, 14 November De 2022    13h37  
President João Lourenço chairs session of Economic Commission of Cabinet Council
President João Lourenço chairs session of Economic Commission of Cabinet Council

Luanda - Economic Commission of Cabinet Council of Ministers approved Monday (14) the Action Plan of the National Cereal Production Development Plan (Planagrão), an initiative estimated at 2.2 billion kwanzas.

Under the direction of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, the approved document indicates the actions to be carried out, taking into account the achievement of the objectives of the Planagrão, with emphasis on increasing the quality and quantity of maize , soybeans, wheat and rice grains.

The Executive hopes that the implementation of this instrument will contribute to the country's food self-sufficiency, the development of agriculture and infrastructure to support production, job creation, as well as the development of value chains, adjacent to cereals, such as livestock, fishing and milling.

According to the Secretary of State for Planning, Milton Reis, the action plan includes 10 areas, including the governance of the plan, the functioning of the multi-sector commission for its implementation, as well as its technical monitoring unit, legislation ( access to land), a land bank, to facilitate access for promoters, infrastructure, inputs (so that the process takes place without constraints) and funding.

Planagrão foresees financing in the amount of 1.7 billion kwanzas, through the Development Bank of Angola (BDA), through the National Development Fund, and an additional 100 billion kwanzas, through the Active Capital Fund Angolan Risk (FACRA), to support businesses.

Logistics, shipping and processing are also included in the Planagrão, which aims to increase the production of rice, corn, wheat and soybeans to 6,104,282 tons in 2027, instead of the 3,026,140 tons produced in 2021.

