Postal Service levies over KZ 24 million in Huambo

  • Luanda     Monday, 09 January De 2023    15h15  
Fachada do edifício dos Correios de Angola na província do Huambo
Fachada do edifício dos Correios de Angola na província do Huambo
Zeferino Zinga

Huambo - Angola’s Post Office in the central Huambo province collected 24.6 million Kwanzas in 2022, the institution told Angop on Monday, adding that the amount resulted from the services related to receiving and sending of the packages of private and institutional clients.

The data were released by the director of the institution, which also covers the provinces of Bié, Cuando Cubango, Cuanza Sul and Huambo (headquarters).


Jorge Baião said in 2021 the institution raised 20. 6 million Kwanzas.


He attributed the increase in revenue to the reopening of services provided by Angola’s Post Office, two years after the suspension of its services due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


He said of the amount raised, 3.8 million Kwanzas resulted from the rental of mailboxes, both by public and private institutions, as well as by individual citizens.


While international orders reached 1. 4 million Kwanzas. He added that the international postal services allowed the receipt of 432,046 Kwanzas.

Jorge Baião noted that in the services provided, mainly in mailboxes, public and private customers in the Center-South region of the country contracted a debt of 4 million Kwanzas, which has conditioned the implementation of several projects.


Huambo province is the biggest debtor, with 3 million Kwanzas, while Bié, Cuando Cubango and Cuanza Sul, share about AKz 1 million.
