Governor wants to intensify investment in mining exploration

  • Luanda     Friday, 06 August De 2021    18h08  
Governador provincial do Cuanza Norte, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho
Governador provincial do Cuanza Norte, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho

Ndalatando - The provincial governor of Cuanza Norte, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho, reaffirmed this Friday in Ndalatando, the need to increase investments for exploration of mineral resources in the province.

Mendes de Carvalho, who was speaking at the opening of the 6th Consultative Council of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, said that mining in the province was only in the inert sector such as granite, basalt, sand, limestone and stones, with the registration of 12 companies, "a completely insignificant number, given the natural potential that it offers and the need to re-launch its economy.

The governor believed that a strong focus on exploration of the province's mineral potential, where he noted granite, marble, manganese, mica, clay, diamond, iron, gold, nickel, limestone, basalt, talc, sand, kaolin and coal, would diversify the productive base of the region and multiply job offers for young people.

Besides the mineral resources, he also noted the fact that Cuanza Norte is a province with strategic communication routes, such as the Luanda railroad and national roads, which provide access to the country's capital and other provinces.

"The province is open to all investment and offers, on behalf of the Government, institutional support for its implementation for the local and the country's economic development," he said.
