Agri-business operators attend capacity building sessions

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 26 May De 2021    16h37  

Ndalatando - Agri-business value chain operators in Cuanza Norte province are being trained from today in a workshop jointly promoted by the Angolan government and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The initiative is part of the Territorial Programme for Strengthening the Capacity of Key Actors in Agri-Business and the Value Chain, and aims to identify the barriers in the organisation of agri-food chains in the province.

Data from the FAO and the Ministry for the Economy and Planning indicate that agricultural production in the country has seen growth of 30 percent, and that there has been a large reduction in the import of Basic Food products, but, even so, "the production value chain does not work.

He explained that in this training the participants will identify what the barriers are that prevent products in Cuanza Norte from reaching the consumer with quality.

The actors of the production value chain include the producers (as the main element), the processors (adding value to the product), the transporters and the service providers for agricultural production.

The citizens who do university extension, the academics and researchers who work for the improvement of the production quality, are also part of the agro-business chain.

