Government recommends greater promotion of agriculture research

  • Luanda     Monday, 03 May De 2021    17h42  
Agriculture among priorities
Agriculture among priorities
António Lourenço

Luanda –The Executive has recommended greater commitment to agriculture research aimed at increasing the production in the country, mainly at this time of the climate change.


The call was launched Monday by the State Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock, João Bartolomeu da Cunha, during his visit to northern Cuanza Norte province.


Addressing a Scientific Council of Agriculture Research Institute (IIA), João Bartolomeu da Cunha decried the ongoing agricultural research, stating that the activity is affected by prolonged drought coupled with poor technology level of the producers.


However, he recommended the investors of the sector greater involvement in the research and development of the quality seeds and plants resistant to the climate change.


The official defended the need to improve upgrading in research by creating favorable technologic environment for conducting

scientific research with support of partnership among the institutions, including high and higher education institutes.


Created in 1961, IIA is tasked with production of scientific knowledge in the agriculture research, including the study on the soils and climate.

