Prodesi finances four firms

  • Luanda     Saturday, 19 December De 2020    13h36  
Produtos Diversos
Produtos Diversos
José Honório

Ndalatando – Four firms operating in the sectors of cattle-breeding, trade and products distribution, whose funding needs were estimated at 280 million kwanzas, have recently had the financing guaranteed in the ambit of the governmental project dubbed “Programme of Support to Local Production, Diversification of Exports and Replacement of imports (PRODESI).

The information was given last Saturday to ANGOP by the director of the provincial office for integrated economic development  of the northern Cuanza Norte Province, Fernando Humberto Mesquita.


Prodesi integrates different projects that are intended to concur to stimulate and boost farming production, such as the PAC (Credit Support Programme), which, in this northern province, has already received requests from 18 farming co-operatives, three of which are awaiting the financing.    


Prodesi was approved in the year 2019.   
