Angolan diplomacy tops 2nd day of Mining Indaba 

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 10 May De 2022    23h24  
Ministro angolano dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino de Azevedo, reúne-se com homólogo Sul africano, Guede Mantasha
Ministro angolano dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino de Azevedo, reúne-se com homólogo Sul africano, Guede Mantasha
Yambeno Daniel

Luanda - The boost of cooperation between Angola and South Africa in hydrocarbons, diamonds and oil on Tuesday dominated the second day of the International Mining Indaba Conference, underway in Cape Town. 

As part of the regular consultation meetings, the ministers of Angola and South Africa, Diamantino Azevedo and Gwede Mantasha, respectively, reviewed the state of cooperation of the sectors and relations between the two countries. 

At the end, the Angolan minister told the press it had been an opportunity to look at energy issues, hydrocarbons and the will of Angola to enhance cooperation in the oil and gas field. 

"We have been discussing and improving the intra-Africa relationship at the level of mineral resources, mainly in the increase and benefits of processing the minerals of our countries and exporting less raw materials," the minister said. 

At that meeting, according to Diamantino Azevedo, the specific situation of diamonds was also analysed, taking into account aspects of synthetic diamonds, currently being produced on a worrying scale for Angola and South Africa, which produce this mineral naturally. 

