Angola's public debt falls to USD 66bln  

  • Luanda     Friday, 19 April De 2024    16h23  
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Luanda - Angola's public debt stock went from 72 billion US dollars in 2022 to 66 billion USD in 2023, a fact that demonstrates the continuing downward trend of this liability.

According to the director of the Public Debt Management Unit (UGDP), Dorivaldo Teixeira, the Angolan government has optimized the debt profile, which allows for positive forecasts.

Speaking on Friday in Washington, at the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, Teixeira spoke of the need to create conditions to optimize the respective debt, without having an impact on its performance and the execution of public spending.

Angola is taking part in the event running from April 15 to 21, with a delegation led by the Finance Minister Vera Daves de Sousa, focusing on attracting foreign direct investment.

The World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings, aimed at ministers and central bank governors, bring together the main figures on the international economic and financial scene to discuss the global macroeconomic situation and analyze concrete issues related to the regional situation in Africa and Angola in particular.

The meeting also brings together business leaders from the private sector, representatives of civil society organizations, academics and parliamentarians to debate the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development and the efficiency of support.

Angola has been a member of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund since 1989 and in recent years has been cementing its relationship with these institutions through specific programs aimed at improving the management and consolidation of national accounts, improving investment mechanisms and promoting the country's economic and social growth. OPF/QCB/DAN/AMP

