Egypt and Angola boost trade

  • Luanda     Friday, 22 July De 2022    23h57  
Egyptian ambassador to Angola, Mohamed Safwat
Egyptian ambassador to Angola, Mohamed Safwat

Luanda – The agreements signed in the last three years between Egypt and Angola have opened a way to boost trade flow.

The information was disclosed Friday through a statement from the Egyptian ambassador to Angola, Mohamed Safwat, in the ambit of the 23rd July date, National Day of Egypt.


The diplomat said that the business volume between both countries increased from USD 600 million in 2019 to over USD 3 billion in 2022.


For the Egyptian ambassador, his country has a strong presence in Angola and actively contributes in areas of Training, Engineering, Agriculture, Industry, Tourism and Construction.


Both countries have been working to support their applications in regional and international organisations.


He went on to say that he firmly believes that the future is African, through cooperation and integration.


He then disclosed that Egypt is about to become the Mediterranean energy hub in this crisis time due to the latest discoveries of natural gas, the available LNG infrastructure and record renewable energy projects.


The Egyptian Ambassador said that in just one year, his country managed to expand the Suez Canal for the international trade benefit.


Egypt's national day is celebrated on 23 July, the same date as the annual celebration of the 1952 revolution, when the Modern Republic was declared.



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