Angola Ambassador to Botswana highlights socioeconomic projects

  • Luanda     Sunday, 07 April De 2024    19h34  
Aeroporto Internacional de Luanda Dr. António Agostinho Neto
Aeroporto Internacional de Luanda Dr. António Agostinho Neto

Luanda - The Angolan Ambassador to Botswana, Beatriz de Morais, highlighted in Gaborone, Botswana, the good impact the newly inaugurated international airport and the construction of new hydroelectric power plants will produce in the country's socioeconomic development.

Quoted in a press release that reached ANGOP, the diplomat also pointed out the construction of the Cabinda, Soyo and Benguela refineries, as well as the Lobito Corridor as other projects developed by the Angolan government to develop the country.

Speaking at the ceremony that marked the celebration of the Peace and National Reconciliation Day marked on April 4, the diplomat highlighted the photovoltaic projects among others, as projects that will generate wealth, jobs and improve the living conditions of the population.

The ambassador recalled that the signing of the Peace Agreement allowed a healthy coexistence between Angolans, maintaining mutual respect, a spirit of tolerance, love for the country, solidarity, unity and reconciliation.

The celebration of Peace and National Reconciliation Day was marked by a political act, a cultural day and an exhibition of national art and gastronomy attended by African diplomatic corps accredited in Botswana, Angolan diplomats and officials in the Southern African Development Community .





