Nigerian businessmen identify business opportunities in Cuanza-Norte province

  • Luanda     Saturday, 23 March De 2024    23h25  
Fazenda Agro-Industrial de Camacupa
Fazenda Agro-Industrial de Camacupa

Ndalatando - A group of Nigerian businesspeople from the agro-industrial sector worked Saturday in the municipality of Cambambe, in Cuanza-Norte province, to identify business opportunities, with the aim of investing in the province.

The businesspeople, assigned to the Angola/Nigeria Business Council, traveled to that location to learn about the region's agro-industrial and water potential.

The president of the Angola/Nigeria Business Council, Fifi Ejindu, who headed the delegation, said that this body has more than 500 million dollars available, and expressed the intention of Nigerian businessmen to invest in the construction of an agro-industrial park and in production of green hydrogen in that municipality.

The investment in the agro-industrial park includes the construction of a complex with an area for the production, processing and packaging of various food products.

In addition to creating jobs, the project is also intended to solve food needs not only in Angola, but also at an African and global level.

Speaking to the press, Fifi Ejindu highlighted the abundance of water, energy and land resources that the municipality has, three essential resources for the production of green hydrogen.

She clarified that, with the project, the aim is to make Angola the first country producing green hydrogen in Africa and will be able to produce several by-products for export, with emphasis on fertilizers.

The president of the Angola/Nigeria Business Council announced the visit to Cuanza-Norte, next Wednesday, of another delegation of businesspeople linked to the aforementioned projects, for a detailed survey of the existing conditions for their implementation.

The delegation met with the governor of the province, João Diogo Gaspar, who expressed the willingness of the local government to support the implementation of the project in Cuanza-Norte.

The official stated that in addition to Cambambe, the other nine municipalities in the province also have great potential.

For her part, the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Cuanza-Norte, Nádia Laranjeira, stated that the local class welcomes these expressions of interest with “a lot of expectation”, as, once such investments are made, a set of opportunities for partnerships with local businesspeople.

She highlighted that investments in the province increase the level of employability and growth of companies, stressing that Cuanza-Norte needs more large companies, as they are mostly made up of micro and medium-sized companies.

In addition to businesspeople, the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, attended the reception of the Nigerian delegation.

During their stay in the province, the Nigerian businessmen visited the Cambambe hydroelectric plant, where they learned about its capabilities. DS/SC/DOJ
