Angolan diamond firms take part in Mining Indaba

  • Luanda     Monday, 05 February De 2024    08h14  
Empresas angolanas de diamantes no Mining Indaba
Empresas angolanas de diamantes no Mining Indaba
Yambeno Daniel - ANGOP

Cape Town – At least 14 Angolan companies take part in the International Conference on Mining in Africa, known as Mining Indaba that started on February 5 in the South African city of Cape Town.

Mining Indaba, the largest African investment event in the mining sector, has  6,500 speakers, including government officials from participating countries, CEOs of multinationals, investors, experts among others, Angola has two exhibition stands, one for companies in the diamond sector and other institutional ones.

Angolan companies present at Mining Indaba seek to attract international investors to establish strategic partnerships for the development of mining projects.

With the mottos “The Angolan mining potential” and “the potential of the Angolan diamond”, Angolan companies are in greater numbers, with 14 companies, unlike the previous edition which was represented by 12 firms.

The seventh largest diamond producer in the world, in 2020, Angola is one of the largest contributors to the International Mining Conference in Africa.

Angola Day at the event is scheduled for Tuesday (6). YD/AC/CF/AMP


