Angolan engineer presents computer system to monitor construction works

  • Luanda     Thursday, 25 January De 2024    16h12  
Obra literária do autor António F. Venâncio
Obra literária do autor António F. Venâncio
Márcia Manaça-ANGOP

Luanda - A computer system called “Mosi” for monitoring public and private construction works, with uniform criteria, was published this Thursday throughthe book “Fiscalização de Empreitadas de Obras Públicas” (Inspection of Public Works Contracts), by engineer António Venâncio.

According to the author, who spoke at the launch of the book - written for professionals supervising construction works - the computer tool will reduce the time it takes to prepare the inspection report, from a week to 15 minutes.

The same computer system, he explained, offers a search framework of interest to the user, providing certain works inspection reports.

Mosi, he added, is used to work with various works and has tools to impose fines on contractors, as well as allowing the insertion of images to illustrate the situations described.

According to the book's preface, jurist Joaquim José, the work provides the necessary dialogue between engineering, public administration, as well as legal reflection, with the inauguration of the convergence between civil engineering and administrative rights.

The creation of the Mosi computer system included the collaboration of engineer Hélder Moreira.

The author of the book (published by Litterae Edições and with a circulation of 200 copies), António Francisco Venâncio, is a civil engineer and has a Master's degree in Technical Sciences from the University of Kharkov, Ukraine, 1988.

He has experience in managing works and projects, with face-to-face practice in more than 280 civil construction works and engineering projects carried out in Angola, since 1979. He was part of the Technical Management of the Construction Works of Mausoleu DR. António Agostinho Neto, in Luanda.

António Venâncio is a professor at the private higher institute (ISPRA). ML/AC/CF/jmc

