EPAL and ENDE move towards new technological mechanisms

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 20 July De 2022    20h40  
Logotipo da EPAL
Logotipo da EPAL

Luanda – The Luanda Public Water Company (EPAL) made available today to its customers a virtual account and data consultation programme entitled Virtual Agency.

The programme that allows customers to know their consumption and debt data via whatsApp was presented during the 37th Luanda International Fair (FILDA) event.


Speaking to ANGOP, Valdir Bernardo, EPAL spokesman, said that with this programme the company intends to make people consult their account via whatsApp and then go to an ATM and pay their bills through a reference number.


With the launch of this virtual agency, Valdir Bernardo said EPAL reduces paper, ink and printer costs, thus following the motto “Technology at the service of EPAL”.


Also at FILDA, the water company also presented the “Talk to Us” programme, where customers can call and receive explanations from a technician who responds to technical concerns (breakdowns and complaints).


However, still during the country’s largest trade fair, the National Company for Electricity Distribution (ENDE) presented as a novelty a payment system through Automatic Payment Terminals (TPA), which according to the representative of the company, Isaac Antonio, this payment method is aimed to facilitate customers as they will not need to go to an agency.


To access this mechanism, the customer only needs to have a mobile phone with internet balance and enter the website to see the unpaid bill, take the provided reference number and go to any branch to make the payment of the bill.


Isaac António said that the world is moving towards new technologies and therefore it is necessary that ENDE follows this path of virtual payment, thus reducing the flooding in the agencies.


FILDA was held from 16 to 20 July, in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE).


