Government spends AKZ 151 billion on PIIM works

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 09 March De 2021    17h32  
Obras da Escola do Mumbwe, município do Chitembo
Obras da Escola do Mumbwe, município do Chitembo
Leonardo Castro

Luanda - About 151 billion kwanzas were disbursed by the Angolan government to pay for 1,472 projects under the Integrated Intervention Plan for Municipalities (PIIM), the National Director for Public Investment of the Finance Ministry (Minfin), Juciane Cristiano said today in Luanda.

According to the official, the figure will increase substantially over the next few months as there are 1,583 projects ready to be carried out.

These figures were provided at the end of the second ordinary session of the Inter-ministerial Commission for the Implementation of the PIIM (CIPIIM), led by the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, Manuel Nunes Júnior.

On the other hand, questioned about possible misappropriation of PIIM funds, she assured that the funding model almost guarantees a good execution, allowing to align at all times the physical and financial execution and to identify any attempt of embezzlement.

The Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM) aims to materialise Public Investment Projects (PIP), Development Support Expenditure (DAD) and Basic Activities Actions (Act), with priority for actions of a social nature, in order to inhibit the rural exodus and promote more inclusive economic, social and regional growth in the country.

The PIIM aims to increase the autonomy of Angola's 164 municipalities within the scope of the policy of deconcentration and decentralisation of administrative powers and thus increase the living quality throughout the country.

