Government announces intention to turn eastern region into largest rice producer

  • Luanda     Monday, 27 June De 2022    13h49  
Ministro da Economia e Planeamento, Mário Caetano João
Ministro da Economia e Planeamento, Mário Caetano João
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Dundo - Angola's Economy and Planning Minister Mário João Sunday expressed the government intention to transform eastern Angola, via policies to attract investors and funding, into the biggest grain producer, particularly rice.

The minister said the eastern region, particularly the eastern provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, have a positive history in terms of rice production.

In view of the opportunity, the minister said the government's challenge is to attract investors from the agricultural sector to re-launch the crop. 

"We want to see the east becoming the biggest grain producer in the country. So we are working on attracting investors to the east and encouraging the commercial banks to grant credit to local producers", he said. 

He also said the Angolan government has been providing support for small producers, with the delivery of production tools and funding, through the Development Bank of Angola (BDA). 
