Government to resume poultry program in Cuanza-Norte province

  • Luanda     Friday, 09 February De 2024    02h39  
Pintos para o fomento avícola nos Gambos
Pintos para o fomento avícola nos Gambos
Morais Silva - ANGOP

CAMABATELA - The Angolan Government will resume the Family Poultry Program in Cuanza Norte this year to increase the income and nutrition of families, the Minister of Agriculture and Forests, António Francisco de Assis said.

According to the Minister, he has already conceived with the governor of the province of Cuanza-Norte the relaunch of the project in the region, which has been stopped about 10 years ago.

António Francisco de Assis explained that, although the poultry program started in 2010 in Cuanza-Norte, the province was surpassed by Huambo, Benguela, Bié and Huíla, for lack of interest and commitment to all entities involved in its chain.

The family poultry program began to be implemented in the municipalities of Lucala (Cuanza-Norte), as well as Cacuso and Kalandula (Malanje).

It comprised the construction of more than 200 poultry, slaughter, conservation and feeding units.

In Lucala, the project included the construction of more than 200 creation ships, a feed production unit, a slaughterhouse with a capacity of 32,000 birds/day, corresponding to four thousand birds/hour and cold chambers for conservation.

The manufacturing unit had several coupled equipment, intended for bird treatment, from slaughter, packaging, quality control, refrigeration cameras, wastewater treatment system, among other dependencies.

The project was funded by South Korea Expim Bank, a global amount of four billion and 900 million kwanzas, whose main purpose was to reduce meat imports in the country.

Infrastructures have been degraded by innovation and burning actions and are currently being delivered to private and associated investors, as well as some Angolan state bodies for exploration.

Since the bankruptcy of the project, the provincial government, through municipal administrations, have been distributing dicks to families within the Integrated Local Development and Fighting Hunger and Poverty Program (PIDLCP).

This project also does not have the results expected due to lack of adaptation of birds and difficulties for feed acquisition. EFM/IMA/AC/DOJ
