EXPO-Cunene: Over 40 national and foreign exhibitors display products

  • Luanda     Monday, 10 July De 2023    19h41  
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Abertura da Expo Cunene 2023
Abertura da Expo Cunene 2023
José Cachiva-ANGOP
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Cunene Province governor, Gerdina Didalelwa
Cunene Province governor, Gerdina Didalelwa
José Cachiva-ANGOP

Ondjiva – At least 44 national and foreign companies of agricultural products, telecommunications, construction, farming, banking, services and fashion are present at the 15th edition of the Cunene Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Fair "EXPO-Cunene" taking place from July 10 to 20 in this southern province.

Organised by the Cunene provincial government and the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry the exhibition is part of the 53rd anniversary of the province.

Speaking at the opening ceremony the Cunene governor, Gerdina Didalelwa, said the event represents an opportunity for local entrepreneurs to show their potential and take advantage of business opportunities and to attract investments for the province to support its development.

Didalelwa said she hopes the Expo Cunene becomes a real business opportunity and dynamic commercial exchanges, providing future investments that would contribute to improve services supply to the population and increase employment opportunities for young people. 

The governor emphasised that the holding of Expo Cunene 2023 gradually resumes the normal functioning of economic activities that bring together the business and entrepreneurial class of the province, following the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the world economy.


Despite the difficult economic situation that the country is going through, Ms Didalelwa stressed that the Angolan government has done everything to provide entrepreneurs with financial support through different programmes.

Founded by General Pereira N'dença, the anniversary of the Cunene Province marks the detachment of the region from the then Administrative Council of Huíla July 10, 1970.

Under the slogan "53 years of Unity, Work and Progress", the province's celebrations encompass a vast programme, which includes, fair, inaugurations of various economic and social enterprises, cattle auction, recreational, sports and religious activities. FI/LHE/AC/Amp/jmc
