EFA 2023 to pay greater attention to creative economy

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 08 November De 2023    03h20  
Chairman of INAPEM Board, João Nkosi.
Chairman of INAPEM Board, João Nkosi.
Tarcísio vilela - ANGOP

Luanda – The second edition of EFA 2023 (Made In Angola Expo), taking place from the 15th to the 18th of this month, will have, among other new features, a space reserved for the creative economy, informed, this Tuesday, in Luanda, the Chairman of INAPEM Board, João Nkosi. of INAPEM Board of Directors.

Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting with businesspeople, João Nkosi advised businesspeople from across the country to participate in this edition, which is tipped to have heated debates, valuing national production.

According to the official, the expectation is to improve last year's numbers, reaching 130 companies that participated in the Expo, which is why the registration process is intensifying, with provincial governments, administrations, associations, chambers and ministerial departments.

"So far, preliminary data points to 75 registered companies. And we also have 35 companies already with the seal made in Angola, 36 without the consolidated adhesion process. But we also have the possibility of having operators that develop a participatory economy", he said.

Along these lines, he continued, INAPEM (National Institute for Support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) held a meeting with presidents of cooperatives and associations of operators that develop creative economy activities so that the fair has at least a minimum of 20 participants.

He added that the meeting served to produce very interesting reflections, transmitting positive messages to businesspeople who will receive financing, within the scope of the structured park.

“We have just witnessed the holding of another meeting in the sequence of the severals that we, INAPEM, organized during the month of October, we carried out a study across the 17 provinces, that is, the province of Luanda, now witnessing the culmination of the process of dynamizing and disseminating the seal made in Angola”.

He highlighted that the event not only aimed to reflect the products made in Angola, but also the mentality of Angolan businesspeople, bearing in mind that the meeting will also be beneficial for Angola which wants to reach the free trade zone.

On his part, businessman and supplier Luís Silva Neto, from the textile sector, said it was a positive meeting, and that he left it with a very comprehensive vision of what will happen at the EXPO held in Angola.

"The event will allow producers to exhibit their products made in Angola to say that with the accreditation of seals for these products there is a greater connection with national production. Giving greater value to what is the national product", he concluded.

