Crude oil exports with USD 6.73 Billion gross revenue

  • Luanda     Thursday, 19 August De 2021    13h58  
Oil platform
Oil platform

Luanda - Gross revenues from the export of oil totalled USD 6.73 billion, with the sale of 97.998 million barrels of crude oil during the second quarter of this year, a rise of 0.11 percent against the first three months of the year.

The volume exported was around 1.77 million barrels per day, valued at an average weighted price of USD 68.625 per barrel, according to figures published Thursday by the Ministry for Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas.

Compared to the first quarter of the same period, export volumes were down 13.89 percent.

The results of oil and gas exports in the period under review were presented by the Secretary of State for Petroleum, José Barroso, who noted the rise in price to around USD 70, which was influenced by the OPEC+ production cuts, the recovery of the global economy, the increase in demand at a world level, as well as the global Covid-19 vaccination action.

Leading exports were Dahlia with 11.57 percent, Mustard with 10.77 percent, Nemba with 9.63 percent, Cabinda with 8.60 percent and Sunflower with 8.21 percent, out of a total of 18 branches.

Also according to the report, the average export price recorded an increase of 151.85 percent, compared to the period of 2020, which at the time was USD 27.248 per barrel.

Compared to the first quarter of this year, 2021, there was an increase of 11.25 percent, when the price was set at US$61.683 per barrel.


