Factory in Luanda produces over 250 ophthalmic lenses per day

  • Luanda     Friday, 23 February De 2024    16h03  
Interior da fábrica de lentes oftalmológica "OFTALMED"
Interior da fábrica de lentes oftalmológica "OFTALMED"
Alberto Julião - ANGOP

Viana - Oftalmed, Angola's first ophthalmic lens factory inaugurated in Angolan capital, Luanda, produces 300 ophthalmic lenses a day, compared to the 1,000 planned when it began operations.

The information was disclosed Friday by the company's production director, José Geraldes, explaining that in order to reach the target of 1,000 lenses a day it would be necessary to hire enough labor force for the company to operate three shifts.

At the moment, the company operates with one shift made up of 50 workers, Geraldes said, adding that the company expects to reach this target within five years, when it plans to start selling its products outside the country.

The ophthalmic lens factory will have the collaboration of international brands such as ZEISS, a German company, and Schneider and Buhler, leaders in the development and production of industrial machinery for the sector.

Budgeted at 8 billion kwanzas, the project is an initiative of the Oftalmed company financed by the Angolan Development Bank (BDA).

Oftalmed offers products such as ophthalmic lenses and frames to clinics and hospitals in eight of the country's 18 provinces, guaranteeing that it will expand its services to five more provinces. FCC/HDC/AC/TED/AMP


