Lunda Sul: 40 exhibitors join Cacolo agricultural fair

  • Luanda     Sunday, 20 June De 2021    21h25  
Products displayed at Agricultural fair
Products displayed at Agricultural fair

Cacolo – Forty exhibitors are participating in the agricultural fair taking place in the municipality of Cacolo, eastern Lunda Sul province, ahead of celebration of 87th anniversary of that municipality.

The two-day fair, going until 23 June, features entrepreneurs and peasants.


The event will allow the exchange of experience among producers.


The number of exhibitors may increase, said the municipal director of agriculture and fisheries of Cacolo.


Joao Moutinho said that the event is expected to gather as many as 80 participants, who the most of them have difficulties in transporting products from the countryside to cities.


Various products will be at display, with stress to cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, beans, corn, goats, pigs and local cuisine.
