Moxico: Agricultural livestock fair promotes potentials

  • Luanda     Saturday, 15 May De 2021    21h09  
Feira agro-pecuária em alusão aos 65ª aniversário da cidade do Luena
Feira agro-pecuária em alusão aos 65ª aniversário da cidade do Luena
kinda kyungu

Luena – An Agricultural livestock fair is underway since Saturday in Luena, eastern Moxico province, aimed to promote and encourage the local production, ahead of the 65 years of the foundation of the province’s capital.

The three-day event gathers 49 fair dealers, who are displaying various products, such as corn, beans, yam, citrus fruit, vegetables, cassava, potatoes and handicrafts.


The fair also features products like detergents and disinfectants of local manufacture, such as soap, toilet soap, bleach and alcohol gel.


The municipal administration of Moxico predicts a turnover estimated at AKz 20 million.
