Guarantee and Credit Fund plans to support 1,000 projects this year

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 February De 2024    18h15  
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PCA do Fundo de Garantia e Credito, Luzayadio Simba
PCA do Fundo de Garantia e Credito, Luzayadio Simba
Inácio Vica
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Banco Yetu e Fundo de Garantia e Crédito assinam acordo
Banco Yetu e Fundo de Garantia e Crédito assinam acordo
Inácio Vica

Talatona - The Guarantee and Credit Fund (FGC) has the goal, for the current year 2024, to support a thousand projects for the creation of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME'S), the president of the Council of FGC Administration, Luzayadio Simba, said Tuesday, in Luanda.

Luzayadio Simba, who was speaking to the press at the end of the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the FGC and Banco YETU, added that the outlined figure will only be reached if the banking institutions join the partnership requested by the FGC.

“Without viable projects that meet the conditions required by the FGC, we will not be able to reach the figure of a thousand projects and if the banks do not support us in this mission, it will be impossible”, he said.

He explained that in 2023, 216 projects were supported, representing close to 106 billion kwanzas, whose sole objective was to promote national production.

At provincial level, according to the manager, several forums are being held to publicize the existence of the fund and the facilities it offers for access to credit.

He informed that the province of Bengo will be the next to benefit from the fifth Guarantee and Credit Forum, where available products will be presented, the difficulties that businesspeople face will be noted and solutions tailored to each region will be designed.

The FGC is a non-banking Angolan financial institution, created by Presidential Decree No. 78/12 of May 4, with the purpose of granting Public Guarantees to MSMEs and individual entrepreneurs who dedicate their activities to the productive sector and work to promote the economy real. CHALK/MAG/DOJ
