Finance calls on managers for greater rigour

  • Luanda     Monday, 30 November De 2020    23h41  
Edifício do Ministério da justiça
Edifício do Ministério da justiça

Luanda - The Secretary of State for Finance and the Treasury, Osvaldo João, Monday demanded greater rigour and discipline from public managers in the management of the funds, given the uncertainties surrounding the global economy.

Osvaldo João asked that each player review his / her role in managing the treasury and strengthen control measures to ensure their effectiveness, warning that the 2021 state budget does not allow for waste or deviations of any kind.

The Government official, who was speaking at the National Seminar on "Treasury Rules", promoted by the School of Administration and Public Policies (ENAPP), recalled that the organs of sovereignty are working relentlessly to combat all those who are trying to appropriate the resources of the State.

"In addition to the pressure to deviate, permanent technical training is required for those who execute the treasury. Manage better those who know best and make better decisions.

Those who execute requirements adopting practices subject to full scrutiny and understood by the community we serve - the people", said Osvaldo João.

According to the official, who was addressing managers from the country's 18 provinces, including governors, the 2021 State Budget, under discussion in the National Assembly, faces great challenges due to uncertainties on a global scale, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which could still be resented next year.

For this reason, he called for a greater focus on cash management, whose executors must respond to the guarantee of expenditure and correspond with what is budgeted for.

The budget units, he continued, are responsible for the policies defined, but those making the payments have a duty to watch over the rules and procedures.

Angola came from a cycle of surpluses in 2018 and 2019 of 2% and 0.6% of GDP, respectively.

