Luanda hosts forum on sharing economy

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 21 November De 2023    22h53  

Luanda - Under the slogan "Angola and the new economy", the second edition of the Sharing Economy Forum will be held on the 29th of the current month in Luanda Province, with the aim of bringing together businesspeople, academics and national and international investors.

According to a statement ANGOP had access to on Tuesday, national and foreign entrepreneurs, investors and academics will analyse fuel price regulation and its impact on digital mobility platforms, as well as the contribution of the sharing economy to leveraging agriculture.

During the event, participants will have contact with real and impactful case studies, investment opportunities in start-ups and networking with key players, as well as moments set aside for Angolan startups to pitch for investment.

The event's organiser, Justo Eliseu said that the forum will address the current challenges faced by entrepreneurs, such as rising fuel prices and their impact on business in the new economy.

He explained that the regulatory revolution of new business models, the use of the sharing economy model in the agricultural sector and the implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices are part of the topics up for debate.

According to it, Justo Eliseu informed that the event will take a closer look at the way in which these factors are influencing the adoption of the sharing economy in the Angolan context.

