German foundation launches economic journalist award

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 24 August De 2021    16h53  
Journalists at a press conference
Journalists at a press conference
Domingos Cardoso

Luanda - The Friedrich Ebert Foundation will award in the spring of 2022, in Berlin, Germany, the "Hans Matthofer Award" of Economic Journalism to professionals dealing with this theme.

According to a press release, to which Angop had access today, the candidacies can be delivered until the 15th of October 2021, and the candidates should present in German language and through columns, articles, comments and reports in newspapers, magazines, blogs or books no more than published works, approximately in 12 months.

The document points out that the authors of the works cannot apply for the prize themselves, but must be nominated by the press organisation they belong to.

The prize money for the winner is 10,000 euros and can be divided.

The jury also reserves the right to award a special prize of 5,000 euros for outstanding economic journalistic work.

With the prize, the organisers aim to honour economists and social scientists who go beyond standard economic theory or the macroeconomic mainstream in the search for new answers to major economic and socio-political challenges.



