Malanje: Governor reiterates call for private investment

  • Luanda     Thursday, 29 December De 2022    16h45  
Governador de Malanje, Marcos Nhunga
Governador de Malanje, Marcos Nhunga
Nelson Costa - ANGOP

Malanje- The governor of the north-east Malanje province Marcos Nhunga reiterated Thursday the appeal to the national and foreign business community to increasingly invest in the different sectors in the province with the aim to create jobs and contribute to economic growth.

The appeal was launched at the inauguration of a supermarket in the former facilities of the Nosso Super Network, as part of Privatisation Programme (PROPRIV).


Marcos Nhunga said the entrepreneurs can resort to the agricultural and water potential of the province to boost and develop their business.


He highlighted the existence of locally manufactured products in the now inaugurated establishment, which stimulates the increase in production.

