Government presents cartoons on State Budget

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 14 June De 2022    13h08  
Apresentação do livro de Banda Desenhada sobre o Orçamento Geral do Estado
Apresentação do livro de Banda Desenhada sobre o Orçamento Geral do Estado
Francisco Miúdo

Cazenga - The Angolan government on Tuesday in the municipality of Cazenga, Luanda, made the public presentation of a cartoon on the State Budget, aimed at children and adolescents in the country.

The initiative is of the Finance Ministry, in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef).

It is an action that allows the Government of Angola, and in particular the Ministry of Finance, to strengthen the inclusion of children in its public policy agenda, in accordance with commitment 11 on children in the National Development Plan and the State Budget.

In the same vein, the initiative seeks to awaken children's interest in public finances, so that they become more aware, from an early age, of the budget process and the impact of the management of public finances on their lives and on the community at large.


