Moxico government to terminate asphalting contract worth Akz 525mln

  • Luanda     Friday, 16 February De 2024    16h18  
Acto de Consignacão para Obra de Asfaltagem do Bairro Hospital
Acto de Consignacão para Obra de Asfaltagem do Bairro Hospital
Kinda Kyungu

Luena - The Moxico government has said it will terminate the contract it has signed with the construction company NECS, valued at 525.3 million kwanzas for the asphalting of the Hospital located on the outskirts of Luena city, ANGOP has learnt.

The one-kilometre redevelopment project of the Hospital carried out by NECS - Nova Engenharia e Construção, has been abandoned for over a year, after the company received 80 percent of the budget from the Integrated Municipal Intervention Plan (PIIM).

At the time of the launch, in 2022, the work was expected to be completed within seven months, and in addition to the tarmac, it was planned to lay pavements and public lighting.

According to the director of the Planning and Statistics Study Office (GEPE), Osvaldo Dias, who was speaking on the sidelines of the first extraordinary session of the local government, administrative procedures are underway to assess the difference between physical and financial execution, with a view to transferring the project to another organization that will follow up.

According to the official, the company NECS has shown itself to be technically and logistically incapable of continuing with the work, which currently only involves laying the base of the seven planned roads.

"I think that before we reach the middle of the year this situation will be resolved," he said.


The project is part of the first phase of the redevelopment of the city of Luena, where the streets have already been paved, with funding of 9.269 billion kwanzas from the PIIM. TC/YD/TED/AMP
