Angolan government, World Bank work on updating of poverty profile

  • Luanda     Thursday, 23 June De 2022    14h59  
Comerciantes ambulantes na cidade de Luanda
Comerciantes ambulantes na cidade de Luanda
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda – Angolan Government is working with the World Bank (WB) on the methods to be used in collecting data from the Survey on Expenditure, Income and Employment in Angola (IDREA-2).

Luanda – Angolan Government is working with the World Bank (WB) on the methods to be used in collecting data from the Survey on Expenditure, Income and Employment in Angola (IDREA-2).

Data gathering is meant to update the poverty profile in the country, the Secretary of State for Planning, Milton Reis said on Thursday in Luanda.

Speaking at the usual briefing of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), Milton Reis said the institutions will collect data on the estimate of household consumption for the National Accounts, assessment of Angola's progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Agenda 2063.

On the other hand, Milton Reis noted  that the MEP is participating in the technical meeting of the subcommittee on macroeconomics of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in South Africa, to prepare the meeting of the peer panel of ministers of the economy , finance, planning, to be held in July in Malawi.

The meeting will discuss the peer review report of Mauritius and Mozambique (held by Angola and Zimbabwe), Eswatini (held by Zambia), South Africa (held by Namibia).

Delivering his  speech, Milton Reis highlighted the launch, on 14 June of this year, of the Survey of Professional Organisations, Representatives of Informal Economy Actors - OPREI, in an initiative of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), International Organisation of (ILO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The aforementioned survey, to be carried out for 90 days, has the participation of 12 inquirers, who will collect all information from the associations involved with the informal economy.

Milton Reis also explained that INE is working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to implement a version of the Mission to Support the national adoption of the Food Price Control Platform.

“At this time, the survey of companies and families in the time of Covid-19 is also underway, in a process of collecting information on the effects of the pandemic, in two economic segments, namely households and companies”, he said.

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Angola conducted the Survey on Expenses and Income (IDR) and Survey on Expenses and Income and Employment in Angola (IDREA), from March 2018 to February 2019.

The IDR was intended to measure and compare poverty through consumption and used the daily method, which consisted of making alternating visits to the household for 7 days, recording their expenses, a similar methodology used in the Integrated Survey on Goods -Being of the Population (IBEP) 2008/2009.

According to the IDREA results, the incidence of poverty in Angola is 41%, which means that 41 out of every 100 Angolans have a consumption level below the poverty line (12,181 kwanzas per month).

Of the total poor population, 56% live in rural areas and 44% in urban areas.

The depth of poverty index is 10%, that is, the average consumption deficit per person at the poverty line.

The poverty intensity index is 4%, a measure that reflects the severity of poverty, taking into account the existing inequality among the poor, where the poverty indexes present higher values, in rural area
