Government prepares IMF extended financing program evaluation

  • Luanda     Thursday, 09 September De 2021    14h00  
Milton Reis, Secretário de Estado para o Planeamento
Milton Reis, Secretário de Estado para o Planeamento
Clemente dos Santos

Luanda - The Angolan Government is preparing the sixth and final evaluation of the Extended Agreement under the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Extended Credit Programme, the secretary of state for planning, Milton Reis said today in Luanda.

Speaking at the usual briefing of the Ministry for the Economy and Planning (MEP), he said that the IMF team was carrying out online visits, from 6 to 13 of this month, to, along with the ministries of Finance, Economy and Planning and Mineral Resources and Oil and the National Bank of Angola, to prepare an assessment of the agreement.

He added that on the online visit, the MEP is presenting a review of the performance of the real sector of the Angolan economy, up to the first half of this year, as well as the outlook for 2022, focusing on the oil, natural gas and non-oil sectors.

The Ministry for Economy and Planning is also presenting the actions carried out to boost implementation of public-private partnerships and the balance of implementation of the Programme to Support Production, Diversification of Exports and Substitution of Imports (PRODESI), as part of the process of diversifying the economy.

The Expanded Agreement under the Extended Funding Facility Programme (EFF) aims to restore external and fiscal sustainability and lay the foundations for sustainable economic diversification, with the private sector in the lead.

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