Carrinho business group wins international Benguela fair main prize

  • Luanda     Sunday, 29 May De 2022    10h10  
Logomarca da empresa Carrinho
Logomarca da empresa Carrinho

Benguela – The Business group Carrinho won Saturday the main prize of the 11th edition of International Benguela Trade Fair, held from May 25 to 28 in the centre-west Benguela Province.

According to the organizers, the choice fell to Carrinho business group due to the variety and quality of the products it displayed in the fair and the service it provides to the public.


With more than 2000  jobs created, the group owns a huge industrial complex in Benguela comprising 17 food factories that make products such as rice, sugar, flour, beans, vegetable oil, among others.


The Provincial Government of Benguela won the category of Public Institutions and Enterprises for merit and dedication during the fair.


Other award winners:

Best participation food and beverage industry - Ros Beer

Best participation in the manufacturing industry and public works - Granisul

Banking - BAI

Insurance - ENSA

Commerce, health and well-being - Centro Óptico

Municipalities - Catumbela

Transport and logistics - Port of Lobito

Oil, gas and energy - Pumangol

Agriculture and fishing - Salinas Calombolo

Machinery and equipment - C. Owerman


The eleventh edition of the Benguela International Fair, the largest business exchange in the centre-south region of the country, had 224 direct and indirect participants, doubling the number of previous editions, and was visited by more than 10,000 people.


Of these exhibitors, 30 percent were from the trade sector, 25 from service-related companies, 20 percent from industry, and the rest from the institutional sector and international participation.


Companies from industry, commerce, telecommunications and information technologies, oil and gas, banking and insurance, transportation, tourism and logistics, construction, public works, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality, food and beverages, among others, were present at the fair.
