INAPEM and BDA sign credit Memorandum

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 27 June De 2023    14h38  
INAPEM (Logotipo)
INAPEM (Logotipo)

Luanda - National Institute for Support to Small and Medium Enterprises (INAPEM), Development Bank of Angola (BDA) and the Guarantee and Credit Fund (FGC) signed Tuesday a Memorandum of Understanding.

The document provides for support the national production and facilitate access to credit for producers of goods and services, with the Seal Made in Angola.

INAPEM's CEO, João Nkosi, said the memorandum strengthens a process  happening on a daily basis, “even without the protocol”, as the institutions have been developing initiatives to support micro, small and medium size companies.

Addressing a ceremony, the CEO said that the Memo will overcome the identified constraints, aimed to allow the ecosystem of micro, small and medium-sized companies and startups, "which have been knocking on INAPEM's door every day",  together with the FGC and of the BDA, find alternatives for financing their projects.

The FGC Manager Eduardo Mohamed said the document will speed up the support for national production, assuring public guarantees in differential conditions for the companies of the Service Made in Angola and also for the companies covered in the scope of the PREI.

He highlighted the sharing of qualitative and quantitative information on credit and public guarantees, as well as carrying out of training programmes for promoters.

The President of the Executive Board of the BDA, Patrícia Almeida da Cunha, said that the Memorandum will “continue to work towards the progress of the country, with a focus on young women.

In turn, the Secretary of State for the Economy, Ivan dos Santos, said that the Memorandum will contribute to an increase in the production of goods and services and to an increase in employment, mainly among youth.

The Secretary of State for the Economy said that the intention is to boost the business sector and "this memorandum responds to some needs of the business sector, so that it facilitates even more the process of granting credit".

He appealed to producers, mainly those linked to flour, corn, rice, pasta, chicken and their derivatives and other products, to join the service made in Angola. HEM/AC/CF/NIC

