Paraguayan business group intends to invest in Angola

  • Luanda     Friday, 29 December De 2023    12h56  
Campo de cultivo (Foto ilustração)
Campo de cultivo (Foto ilustração)
Nelson Costa

Luanda – Paraguay’s Ganadera Ita Poty business group intends to invest in Angola’s poultry and agriculture sectors, Cármen Ortigosa, representative of the group said Thursday.

The interest was expressed on Thursday in Buenos Aires (Argentina) during a meeting between the Angolan ambassador to Argentina and the Paraguayan businesswoman Cármen Ortigosa.

Cármen Ortigosa said her business group is already carrying out studies to implement agricultural projects in central Cuanza Sul and eastern Moxico provinces of Angola.

Ortigosa added that several businesspeople in her country want to invest in Angola in the various sectors of economic activity, mainly agriculture.

The Ganadera Ita Poty is a company with extensive experience in artificial insemination of animals, with industrial cold storage facilities for the reception and slaughter of animals.

Angola's ambassador to Argentina, Azevedo Xavier Francisco, said at the meeting that his country relies on Uruguayan investors to invest in the poultry and grain sectors on a large scale.

"We need Uruguayan businesspeople to set up a complete chicken production chain in Angola and to bet with all their might on grain production," said the diplomat.

Also as part of the policy of attracting investors to Angola, Ambassador Azevedo Francisco was also recently in Paraguay where he met with businesspeople of that country.

The Angolan Embassy in Argentina covers the diplomatic actions of Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Chile. CLAU/AC/DAN/AMP


