Private investment totals over 10.7 billion USD

  • Luanda     Thursday, 24 November De 2022    23h19  
Agency of Private Investment and Exports Promotion (AIPEX)'s CEO, António Henriques da Silva.
Agency of Private Investment and Exports Promotion (AIPEX)'s CEO, António Henriques da Silva.
António Escrivão - ANGOP

Talatona – Angola’s Agency of Private Investment and Exports Promotion (AIPEX) has registered, in the last five years, 535 projects, in a total value of 10.7 billion US dollars, the AIPEX’s CEO, António Henriques da Silva, has said.

Antonio Silva, who was speaking on the sidelines of a round table on development of Angola, said there is improvement in the business environment and attraction of investments in the Angolan market.


Silva explained that agriculture, fisheries, infrastructures and industry are the sectors that raised the most interest in  investors and registered more than 217 registered projects making a 40 percent increase, since 2018.


The AIPEX’s CEO explained that since 2018, when the new Investment Law was promulgated, only seven countries had interest in investing in Angola, however currently, the CEO revealed, the reality is different since there is a record of 51 interested parties, who show confidence in the country.


In mid-2018, AIPEX registered 70 private investment projects, in 2019 rose to 168, during the Covid-19 pandemic the number dropped to 106 , and in 2021 recorded a decrease in the order of 100 that was reduced until October 2022 to 91 projects received.


According to Antonio Silva, with the increase in the number of investors post-Covid, there is evidence of improvement in the business environment, in a country like Angola characterized by its vast territory.


The roundtable brought together businesspeople and served to launch the 2022 edition of the magazine Business year.
