Japan plans to set up car assembly plant in Angola

  • Luanda     Thursday, 22 February De 2024    21h23  
Carros no viaduto saindo do Zango para o centro da cidade
Carros no viaduto saindo do Zango para o centro da cidade
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - A Japanese manufacturer may soon install a car assembly unit in Angola, ANGOP learned today from a press release.

The information was provided by the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, after a bilateral meeting with the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoko Kamikwa, on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

According to the Angolan government official, the private initiative project follows its normal course, completing different phases and preparatory stages, so that, at the right time, the project becomes a reality.

The press release reads that the head of Japanese diplomacy highlighted the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, stating that Japan's objective is to strengthen commercial relations with Angola.

 During the meeting, the state of implementation of state and business initiative projects in the economic and social domains was reviewed.

 According to the document, other topics of common interest between the two countries participating in the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting were discussed in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

The Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Angolan Communities, Domingos Vieira Lopes, the director of Mirex's Directorate of Multilateral Affairs, Sara Silva and the Angolan ambassador to Brazil, Manuel Bravo, attended the Angola-Japan Bilateral Meeting. EH/AC/DOJ
